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Schwelkllr lalc! ha he eomoo pany Wh an eye on he 'UUl' co of lvlllg propoaed o rai8a he hourly leale en cena o Sl 45 per hour, January, He S&ld ha he Ulcr_ would add S23,OOO o he com- PllllY annual pa)'roll. er Schwelkar, Lake Shore Coach LlDes presiden, old officials from he five Grosse POine municipali ies a a special meeing Fnday a he Park Municipal buildmg. fled demalld of our employees for a wage increue or face a perilous snke, Wal. However he mdlcaed ha he LOns n eooperallon "'h Grosse Pome police and firemen would GeflOlel)' ry o pass las yl'lu' s record sum of 56,:)00, rals'd from he sale of a SpeCial ediion of his newspaper, The' sale Will ge undrwlly early }.onda), Dee 3 and coninue hrough noon a which lme all ' Old Newsboys" Will repor 3 he sale headquarers a he Pa.rk MUniCipal bulldmg, All proceeds an used o UPpor hp Li.ons "No Kiddie ''''lhou A Chrismas Fund" and her )'ear around goodwill prjgram, \\'orkmg Wih Mr Schwelhar a M-O-R-E "We mus mee he juai. Newsboys Hope To Ge Reco.d Sum Carl Schwelkar, chairman of he 9-8 Grosse POlle LlOns-,Grosse POne ReVieW 'Goodfeli 0Yl's Day' sale a.nnouneed ha he loal his year S $5,000. lngon, owner of he Trombly, home, and Clarence BoMer, of DerOi, oymer of he Ha.rcour propery. Their parens agreed o pa)' he damages amounmg o abou $00 o Edwin ToroSlcan, 2:3 Ken. undh consrucbm, one on Trombly road and he oher on Har'!.our. The youngsers oroke mori>! han 00 wmdows n wo nome. JAMES LUTHERAN CHURCH Pu Holes in Panes, Dad's Pockebook Too Three Grosse POine Park, youngsers, ranglog n ages from 7 o 9, were responsible for wha Park Pollcp ermed he mos mal- \ KOUS desrucon of privae pro-, pery seen hhe n a number Jf g' ). FRST New'PGper GROSSE PONTE 30, MCHGAN - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 948 NEW ST. n ',arj h k on Slelcra head CRCULATON PAD MONTHLY Grol Poine'.

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Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0 Īdditional terms may apply.This page was last edited on 1 February 2022, at 19:01 (UTC).that the 13th-century Austrian chronicler Jans der Enikel characterized Richard the Lionheart as a "noble goose-roaster"? that the Confederate States Navy ordered six Squib-class torpedo boats from England, but they were never delivered? that Rut Castillo was the only out LGBTQ rhythmic gymnast at the 2020 Olympics? that the Cavillargues medallion depicts a Roman gladiatorial combat and possibly an official giving the signal for mercy?

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